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IT Outsourcing Companies

The Sao Khue Awards is known as one of the most prestigious awards for IT companies and individuals who have made outstanding achievements and significant contributions to the development of the Vietnam Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry by providing excellent technology products and services. The annual ceremony was hosted in Hanoi by the Vietnam Software & IT Services Association (VINASA).

At the 2019 ceremony, BeetSoft received the Sao Khue Award, proving the second year in two consecutive years (2018 & 2019) of being honored the prestigious cup with proven outstanding software outsourcing services for global clients. Our service has undergone a rigorous screening process and received the highest rating from the organizing committee.


IT Outsourcing Companies

We would like to convey our sincere gratitude to the committee for honoring this award. BeetSoft will undoubtedly keep moving forward and be the leader in providing cutting-edge technology for products and services outsourcing. We will prove our global mission to our clients, which strengthens and grow the IT ecosystem with our values.

Thank you for using our service! Let’s grow faster and better with BeetSoft!

Check the official information of the award: https://danhhieusaokhue.vn/en/homepage-en/